Sunday, July 24, 2011

Starving: 30 Days of Raw Food

Today marks the beginning of my newest adventure: Raw Foodism. Living in the Southern U.S. is definitely not going to make this task easy; yet, I intend to overcome all obstacles to prove that it can be done successfully. I am going to be completing this task without any kitchen equipment (blenders, food processors, dehydrators) just to see if this diet is feasible for the average joe on a slightly less than avergae budget. For that reason, most of the items will be inorganic; however, some items, will be organic/ Non GMO. Also, and most importantly, I will still be drinking coffee-yes, 'tis a non-raw food item. No cream, no sugar, no worries. I need my caffeine..2-3 cups daily. So, if you want to be uuber-technical, I am commencing a 99.9 percent raw diet. I will consider this new lifestyle a success if I can manage, without equipment or organic ingredients, to both feel great and lose weight. In coming blogs, I will post recipes, raw friendly restaurants in Nashville and, of course, my struggles and suggestions for this lifestyle on a tight budget. The posts will be intermittent (among other topics posted) so keep a close eye and check back for photos!


  1. Okay, I'm following but I don't see a link to follow on here. I see here that you are planning this with very limited equipment and I want to see how it works out. I don't have a dehydrator or a Vitamix but I do have a food processor, blender, and a spiralizer that I wouldn't know how to proceed on a raw food cleanse without. Good luck to you on your quest and I look forward to your future posts!

  2. I think it is because you have to create an account...Hassle! I think I am going to try to change to Tumblr...

  3. I figured it out - there is a subscribe link on the bottom of the page and I used my Google account.
